

Relationships Australia WA has the following metro and regional locations throughout WA from Albany to Port Hedland. 


Metro Locations
West Leederville

22 Southport Street
(Cnr Cambridge Street)
West Leederville WA 6007

(08) 6164 0400(08) 6270 4491
Belmont165 Great Eastern Highway,
Belmont WA 6104
(08) 6164 0240(08) 6270 4491
Fremantle1 Ord Street,
Fremantle WA 6160
(08) 6164 0420(08) 6270 4491

Lotteries House
2232C Albany Hwy
Gosnells WA 6110
PO BOX 656, Gosnells WA 6990

(08) 6164 0460(08) 6270 4491
JoondalupLotteries House
Cnr Boas Ave and Davidson Tce
Joondalup WA 6027
(08) 6164 0440(08) 6270 4491


14 Davey Street,
Mandurah WA 6210
(08) 6164 0570 (08) 6270 4491

Mandurah (Education)              

Lotteries House
7 Anzac Place, Mandurah WA 6210
PO Box 3080, Mandurah East WA 6210
(08) 6164 0570(08) 6270 4491

10 Burgess Street,
Midland WA 6056

(08) 6164 0480(08) 6270 4491
KwinanaDarius Wells Library and Resources Centre
Level 1, 2 Robbos Way
Kwinana Town Centre WA 6167
PO Box 12, Kwinana WA 6966
(08) 6164 0500(08) 6270 4491
Regional Locations
Albany29 Albany Highway, Albany WA 6330
PO Box 1052, Albany WA 6331
(08) 6164 0530(08) 6270 4491
Bridgetown*4families - 33 Steere Street, Bridgetown WA 6255(08) 6164 0600 

20 Molloy Street, Bunbury WA 6230
PO Box 1116, Bunbury WA 6231

4families - 14 Strickland Street, Bunbury WA 6230

(08) 6164 0550(08) 6270 4491
Busselton93 Duchess Street, Busselton WA 6280(08) 6164 0600 
Margaret River*36 Station Road, Margaret River WA 6285(08) 6164 0600 
Northam91-93 Wellington St, Northam WA 6401
(To book an appointment in Northam please call our Midland branch on 6164 0480)
South HedlandUnit 12/2, 4 Rason Link, South Hedland WA 6722
PO Box 2616, South Hedland WA 6722
(08) 6164 0520(08) 6270 4491
Tambellup Cnr Garrity Street & Tambellup West Road, Tambellup 6320
PO Box 90, Tambellup WA 6320
(08) 6164 0655(08) 6270 4491


*Please note these locations are outreaches of Busselton . To make a booking for any of these locations please call Busselton on (08) 6164 0600 and press option #4.

Family Relationship Centres
Perth FRCLevel 8, 150 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
(08) 6164 0300(08) 6270 4491
Bunbury FRC20 Molloy Street (entrance off Symmons St)
PO Box 1386, Bunbury WA 6231
(08) 6164 0350(08) 6270 4491
Albany FRC29 Albany Highway
Albany WA
(08) 6164 0350(08) 6270 4491
Busselton*93 Duchess Street, Busselton WA 6280(08) 6164 0350*(08) 6270 4491
Margaret River*36 Station Road, Margaret River WA 6285(08) 6164 0350*(08) 6270 4491
Manjimup*13 Mount Street, Manjimup 6258(08) 6164 0350*(08) 6270 4491


*Please note these locations are outreaches of the Bunbury Family Relationship Centre. To make a booking for any of these locations please call the Bunbury Family Relationship Centre on (08) 6164 0350

Contact us


To contact your nearest branch call
1300 364 277

Counselling(08) 6164 0190
Mediation Services(08) 6164 0130
Family Relationship Centre(08) 6164 0300
Education Course Bookings(08) 6164 0200
Quick Exit (ESC)