Supporting Children's Week WA and Ensuring Child Safety

21 Oct 2024
Supporting Children's Week WA and Ensuring Child Safety

Children's Week WA is an opportunity to celebrate the rights, talents, and wellbeing of children across Western Australia. This annual initiative reminds us of the importance of fostering environments where children are heard, valued, and their rights protected. The 2024 theme is Children have the right to a clean and safe environment. It is based on Article 24 of the United Nation’s convention on a child’s right to be healthy. 

Children's week is the 18th - 27th October, 2024.

Our Commitment to Child Safety and Wellbeing

Our dedication to supporting children extends beyond Children’s Week, as we provide child-safe services and advocate for child safety, empowerment, and family connection year-round. 

Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children is a top priority. Our Statement of Commitment to Child Safety and Wellbeing outlines our dedication to creating spaces where children feel safe and are safe. We believe every child deserves to be protected, respected, and valued, and our organisation is committed to putting children’s rights and needs at the forefront of everything we do. 

As part of this commitment, we aim to: 

  • Foster child-safe environments across all services. 
  • Empower children by listening to their voices and acting on their concerns. 
  • Equip our staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect children from harm. 

Child Safety Training and Education 

To ensure our commitment is upheld, we provide comprehensive training for all staff. These compulsory training modules and facilitated training workshops equip our teams with the skills needed to foster safe environments, understand child protection laws, and respond effectively to concerns about a child's safety. 

Our Services: Strengthening Families and Protecting Children 

We have a range of key services we offer to support families and ensure children's wellbeing including: 

As we champion the theme Children have the right to a clean and safe environment, we reaffirm our year-round dedication to fostering safe spaces where children are valued, heard, and protected. Together we strive to ensure that children's safety, development, and rights are at the heart of everything we do, so that children feel safe and are safe. 

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